Open Denton API

Open Denton API

Hello! This page contains information on the API endpoints currently available, and will be updated as we add more. If there’s a dataset you’d like added, please reach out to us on Slack via the #opendenton-api channel. Or, just come stick your head into the front conference room.

If you need help, or want to install the application locally, see the readme on our GitHub repository.


All endpoints are assuming a request of the type GET.

API Base:

The following routes are available:


Home route, currently just returns a string.


Returns all housing data. Original.


Returns all housing data by year [required].


Returns vacant housing, by year [required].


Returns all “Point in Time Home Count Denton County”. Original.


Returns all “Gas Wells - Inspections Layer” data. Original


Returns all “Denton, TX Demographic Data”. Original.


Returns Demographic data by year [optional].


Returns all “Denton, TX Economic Data”. Original.


Returns all “Voter Districts”. Original.


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